Although everyone has kept dogs for a long time, some knowledge about raising dogs is not very clear. Today, I helped you sort out 60 pet-raising tips for raising dogs, and I suggest you collect them.

1. When a dog drinks water, the tongue will actually roll back to scoop water;

2. The soles of the dog's feet smell like corn kernels;

3. Dogs can sense early cancers in humans;
4. Dogs have 13 blood types, 8 of which are recognized by the international community;
5. Puppies have 28 teeth, and adult dogs have 42 teeth;
6. The appearance and personality of the dog will become more and more like the owner;
7. Newly bought toys may also make dogs jealous;
8. Dogs can see black and white, and can recognize blue and yellow;
9. The sense of smell of dogs and humans is not the same, or even opposite;
10. The dog's favorite action is the owner's petting;

11. Dogs can understand up to 250 words and gestures;
12. Dogs will not get lost;
13. Dogs can hear part of the ultrasonic wave and feel the magnetic field;
14. Dogs grieve with their owners;
15. Dogs can also suffer from mental anxiety and depression;
16. The dog will feel happy when he smells the owner's scent;
17. Dogs will also yawn with their owners;
18. The two ears of a dog can do different actions independently;
19. Dogs have a 40 times better sense of smell than humans.
20. Dogs rely on their tongues and pads to dissipate heat;
21. Dog eyes receive information 25% faster than humans;
22. Within 4 seconds, the dog can throw out 70% of the water in the body;
23. Bianmu can remember the names of 1022 kinds of toys;
24. The basenji is the only dog ​​that can't bark;
25. When a person pets a dog gently, blood pressure will decrease;
26. A retriever can smell 14 days ago;
27. The sleeping position of a dog curled up is a genetic instinct;
28. The dog urinates and defecates in circles, looking for the direction of the magnetic field;
29. The Chow Chow is the only dog ​​whose tongue is not pink;
30. The dog's nose pattern has the function of identification;

31. The dog with the lowest IQ is the Afghan Hound;
32. People have kept dogs as pets for 12,000 years;
34. Beagle is the noisiest dog;
35. Dog urine is very corrosive;
36. Dogs are 100 times smarter than cats;
37. 70% of the dogs in the world have double eyelids;
38. Puppies need to sleep about 20 hours a day;
39. Dogs can understand human facial expressions and experience emotions;
40. Small dogs generally live longer than large dogs;
41. Dogs are afraid of thunder because they feel that static electricity affects them; their fur produces a slight tingling pain;
42. As a mammal, dogs also need to eat salt properly;
43. Dalmatians are born without spots;
44. Snoopy is a beagle;
45. The older the dog, the more sensible it is, and the more it can capture your actions, intentions and emotions;
46. ​​It is not good to bathe the dog frequently, once every 12 days is the best;
47. Before biting, dogs have pre-existing expressions, such as bared teeth, bristling hair, etc.;
48. The dog keeps digging the soil to relieve the pressure;
49. Chatting with your own dog, the dog can understand;
50. The body temperature of a normal dog is between 37.5°C and 39°C;

51. The water temperature for dog bathing should be controlled at 39 to 42 degrees;
52. The female dog will also come to the aunt, twice a year, once for 30 days;
53. Raising a dog can cure autism;
54. The dog can find the sound direction within 0.06s;
55. Breathing out "fu ha fu ha" at a dog is equivalent to swearing at a dog;
56. Dogs sniffing their butt is a way of socializing;
57. Dogs will eat grass to induce vomiting when their stomach is unwell;
58. Most dogs don’t like the smell of perfume, which will affect the sense of smell;
59. Dogs should be fed regularly and quantitatively;
60. Boys with dogs are more attractive to girls than boys without dogs;