My home is very lively, pets alone have a dog, two cats, three turtles. These pets are naughty and cute. I love taking pictures of them. They are like natural models, will inadvertently pose interesting poses, can not help but laugh. Scene 1: On a sunny morning, two big cats are lying on their backs next to flower POTS to "sunbathe". The yellow cat meowing with his eyes wide open and his legs spread out; The cat's eyes narrowed, as if they were closed to rest. After a while, the yellow cat, probably feeling lonely, stretched out two front PAWS to pat the cat's head. The cat opened his eyes, "Meow - meow" called twice, and closed his eyes leisurely. That look, seems to say: "Dude, you said that human beings like to do beauty, but also like to sleep on the back, today we also enjoy once, see how it feels..." Scene two: Two cats are fighting with dogs.

      Yellow cat hunched, a look of death; The tabby cat stood there warily, its eyes rolling. The big stupid dog's eyes stared like a brass bell, and his tail wagged twice from time to time, as if to say: "You two little things dare to fight with me, I can scare you out of your guts with a shout!" After a long standoff, the dogs let their guard down a bit. Suddenly, the cat pounced on a hard grab, the dog's face immediately appeared several blood stains. The yellow cat jumped at the dog, scratching and biting. Before the dogs seemed to know it, the cats wagged their heads and tails off. Scene 3: Grandpa bought a lot of small fish from the market to feed the turtle. The cats were both greedy and jealous. So, when Grandpa left, they sneaked to the water tank, intending to steal. The cat made the first move. It lies on the edge of the tank, reaching out its PAWS into the water to catch a fish or two to satisfy its hunger.

        You know, our turtle is not to be messed with. When the cat's paw was trembling about to dip into the water, the turtle jerked its head as if to bite it. The cat was frightened and quickly withdrew its claws. It "meow meow" called, as if to demonstrate to the turtle: "But eat your two small fish, what fierce!" Scratch you again!" I saw the flower cat this funny appearance, then asked grandpa for a few fish, put it in the cat bowl. When the cat saw this, he did not care about the image problem and gobbled up the fish. Hey, isn't our cat cute? When I have a chance to develop their pictures, it will be an eye-opener. Seriously, I kid you!