My baby is called Cannonball, and I have always wanted to raise a corgi, but finally got my wish after taking the postgraduate entrance examination. Cannonball accompanied me through many ups and downs. I broke up with my ex-boyfriend who had been in love for 4 years. It was his appearance that accompanied me through that difficult time. I don’t know what happened when I was 8 months old. I lost a lot of weight within a week, and finally recovered with persistence. It was also because I went to the pet hospital every day that week and had an intersection with my current boyfriend. Now we have been in love for one year, met the parents of both sides, and are moving towards the future step by step. Although he is not married yet, Cannonball is like my own child. He is very stubborn and has a bad temper, and has been accidentally injured by him several times, but no matter what happens, I am grateful that he is by my side.